Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yep, Gage is going to be a Big Brother.

Well, its facebook official.....#2 is on the way!  According to 'Baby Bump', I am 11 weeks and 3 days.  I am due May 23rd so I have a LONNGGG way to go, ahh!

Here is how it all went down.  Everyone always ask the question, "What it planned?"  Well, we were ready for #2 and were happy if that's what happened but not upset if it didn't right away...all in God's court.  One night Erik and I took Gage up to the park in our neighborhood.  We started walking back and I just felt like, "Hm...I think I might be pregnant".  Don't ask how I knew that, it was just weird.  So we got home and Erik put Gage in the bath and I went to take a test (I didn't tell Erik).  I left the test on the counter and came in the kitchen and started cleaning.  I kinda forgot about it, oops.  Well about 10 minutes later I went back in the bathroom and yep....I was pregnant.  For some reason that ONE test isn't enough so I took 2 more, haha.

After Erik got Gage ready for bed they were sitting in the chair together.  I asked Gage if he was ready to be a big brother and Erik said, "Huh?  Are you pregnant?"  I will admit, I felt a little guilty.  I kept thinking about bringing another child into our family and "leaving Gage out".  I know people have multiple kids all the time but I just had trouble thinking about "spreading the love".  I'm good now though and we are so very excited!  Gage loves babies so we are most excited to see how he interacts with "IT".  And yes, to answer your next question, we will definitely find out what it is...I don't know how people can stand to go that long without finding out.  We are hoping to find out before Christmas. I will be 18 weeks on December 23rd "ish" (Erik has already planned it all out) so that would be fun to reveal at Christmas!

This pregnancy has not been so "peaches and cream" like I was with Gage.  With Gage, I didn't even know I was pregnant until the end with the preclamsia.  Around 5 weeks I started feeling nauseous 24/7.  I never got sick but I almost think that would have made me feel better.  I still cannot cook red meat (whom am I kidding, I haven't cooked anything).  Cooking has made me want to vomit.  I can eat whatever but I just can't cook it (I don't even know).  I was SO tired, like way more than I was with Gage and had horrible headaches.  I am NOT a napper but I was taking naps daily there for a while.  Until about 8 weeks I felt like that but now I feel fine!  I still get a little tired at times but thats normal I think.  When I wasn't feeling good I told Erik, "This baby better be cute".  Debbie bought me preggie drops and Jen bought me a bunch of goodies that made her feel better when she was them both!  Eventually I did get some medicine, Fenagreen (not sure if thats spelled right) and it worked but LORD I could have fallen asleep standing up.  I told the doctor I couldn't take that so she prescribed me helped a little.  Thankfully I didn't have to take that many before I started feeling better!

We told the family one night at Outback.  It was so unplanned but it all worked out :)  Lindsay and Lauren wanted to go eat there because it was a night where kids ate for free.  Well they called us and mom and dad and ya know.....when you don't have to cook, why not?!  Then mom was with my aunt Gale and asked them.  So I thought what a perfect time to tell everyone.  I called Meemaw and Mimi and they wanted to come too.  So I ran into HT and got a cupcake with the #8 printed on it (the 8th grandchild for my mom and dad).  After we ate dinner I had the waitress bring it out to my mom.  Everyone was excited of course.

We did have an ultrasound October 23rd and there was only one heartbeat, whew!

To "tell to the world", I told Lindsay that I thought it would be cute to have all the grand babies wear a shirt with the numbers 1-8 based on when they were born.  Lauren was so sweet and went and bought all the shirts, ironed on the numbers, and Lindsay made it all happen with the pictures.

Seeing the picture makes me realize how lucky I am to have such a big family :)

Thank you Lindsay for taking the pictures, thank you Lauren for making the shirts, and thank you to our friends and family who are already incredibly supportive.  We love you all and are completely ecstatic about this next step in our lives....a family of 4....ahh!!!

And then there were 8...........

The Big Brother!

Cousin Love :)

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