Wednesday, May 7, 2014

No More Drama....Oh Wait.

So I had a regular check-up on Monday (May 5th).  Lyla's heart rate was a steady 135 so that was good but my blood pressure was high @ 120/90.  I now get an ultrasound every two weeks to check Lyla and during the ultrasound the tech kept measuring her head.  She said that her head was measuring a little small in comparison to how she had been growing.  So I asked how much she weighed and the tech checked and said 5lbs 12 oz.  Well last ultrasound (2 weeks ago) she was 5lbs 8oz.  So....that means she only gained 4 ounces in 2 weeks, not good.  However, everything else checked out and she looked healthy.

So my midwife decided to set me up for an appointment at the Women's Institute so they could do another ultrasound on Lyla and check her growth.  They got me an appointment the next day, thankfully.  Of course we were worried.  There was speculation that maybe my placenta wasn't working anymore, meaning she wasn't getting the food/nutrients she needed so she wasn't growing...scary.  If that was the case, I would need to be induced.

So Tuesday afternoon we had an appointment at 3.  The tech was AWESOME.  She was pregnant, due May 30th, and she could definitely relate to be concerned.  She talked to us during the whole ultrasound and was very happy with what she saw.  At the beginning of the ultrasound Lyla's heart rate was still a steady 135, she was moving around a lot, and seemed great.  Her head was measuring a little smaller than usual (13th percentile) but the tech said it was probably because of her position (she has been head down for a while now) and she wasn't concerned.  She said if the placenta wasn't working than her stomach would be small and she showed us her stomach and said it was a good size :)  So of course my next question was, "how much does she weigh?"  She checked and measured 7 pounds....ok fatty girl.  So that was reasuring right there!  Now I worry because if she is 7 lbs NOW, what's she gonna be when she decides to make her appearance?!  She already weighs more than Gage did when he was born.  But then again, I know its just an estimate.

Dun, dun, dun.....right at the end of the ultrasound guess who's heart rate went up to 245?!  Yup, Lyla's....that girl, I swear.  So the tech finished the ultrasound and said she would need to go get the doctor, he would probably come back in and do another ultrasound and hopefully we would be good to go.

So the doctor came in about 10 minutes later.  When he started the ultrasound Lyla's heart rate had already dropped....yay!  He knew my history so we talked about the echocardiograms we had gotten and what the doctors had seen previously.  All the doctors have said that the baby can withstand a high heart rate for days before something happens and thankfully we haven't seen her heart rate that high in weeks....until during this ultrasound.

The doctor said if he had a crystal ball and knew I could be induced and have no complications, he would suggest for me to be induced right away.  However, he said with no big concerns we should let her "bake" as long as possible.  So he suggested for me to be induced on May 19th (4 days before my due date....whoopee).  Obviously, my midwives will do what they think is best but that was his opinion.  If its May 19th, I'm good with that....if its earlier, I'm REALLY good with that :)  I go for a regular check-up tomorrow...yep, back to twice a week.

How do I feel about the whole situation (thanks for asking)?!  With everything that keeps happening, I'm ready.  Obviously we want the best scenario possible but I will be 38 weeks on Saturday and if she is 7 lbs, she will be just fine outside the womb.  It would make us feel a lot better to have her here where the doctors can do what they need to do if something happens then have her in my belly and take the chance of us not knowing whats going on.  To me, its not worth the risk....but I know the doctors/midwives will do what's best.

Thanks again for praying for our appointment on Tuesday.  We felt relieved when we left...although I am tired of worrying because that's "not my style".  Maybe thats why all my hair is falling out?!

Oh and that's a whole nother story.  I go have a biopsy tomorrow because I have a small dent in my head.  Don't ask....who knows.  Its been there forever (since I've been losing my hair) but I just decided to tell the doctor a couple weeks ago.  It may have been there before all this happened but I don't know because I've never been bald :)  So pray that the biopsy shows nothing scary and its just a dent in my head.

Love ya'll!

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