Monday, July 14, 2014

Lyla Ray is 2 Months Old.

8 weeks have passed and Lyla Ray is growing!  She was so tiny the day she was born @ 6 lbs, 9 oz. but she has made up for it :)  At her 2 month appointment she weighted 10 lbs, 3 oz....fatty girl!  She loves to eat my milk but formula...not so much. We've tried several kinds and she will not drink it (she would earlier but not now).  So....I've started to pump more just incase I am ever not home and she needs to eat.  I HATE pumping...hate it.  But anything for the little princess :) Ha!  During the day she eats about every 2.5 to 3 hours and now at night she will go one long 4.5-6 hr. stretch.

Last night (7.13) Lyla slept in her crib for the first time!  She is a great sleeper at night, wahoo!  I usually feed her around 9pm and she sleeps til 3/3:30 and up again around 6:30am.  She does like to be held during the day and is a lot fussier than Gage was but I'll take a night sleeper any day!

She is iffy about a paci.  She likes it when she is fussy but spits it out a lot too.  She prefers the brand "mam".  I did have to put up her newborn clothes about a week ago so she's growing for sure.  Why is it always sad when you have to put up a certain size?!  Hormones.

She has been smiling and cooing....LOVE.  Gage loves her to pieces and has gotten a lot better about not being so rough.  He always asks for her and wants to "pet her" or kiss her.  He has given us a run for our money lately.  I THOUGHT he has been in the terrible twos...oh no, they just started.  He has been swatting at us when we tell him no and he bitten Mia.  Lord help us.  Sometimes I just don't know what to do.  I called my sister one day and she said it was a stage unfortunately.  Its so embarrassing in public.  Especially when you know you have "raised" your child better and don't let them get away with it at home.  But judgers will judge and one day they will have kids and understand :)

Back to Lyla.

OMG....her nails.  I tried cutting them like 2 weeks ago and she screamed.  Mom of the year cut her little fingers and they were bleeding, I felt horrible.  But let's be serious, filing does NOT work.  So they are really long and sharp but I'm scared to attempt to cut them again.

Lyla and I are rockin' a mullet.  No....really.  I would take a picture but ya'll know what a mullet looks like.  Side note:  my hair is growing but looks horrible.  Its just at that stage where there is nothing I can do with it but put on a hat...and its gonna take a WHILE.  Ugh.  It's just irritating when you want to look decent...I put on make up, clothes, and then look at my hair and it ruins everything.  Kind of like when your hair is greasy you feel like wearing yoga pants and a tank top, well I feel like that everyday, lol.  I need to invest in a pair of yoga pants for Monday-Sunday.

Back to Lyla.  I keep getting side tracked.

Anyways, Lyla is the sweetest little thing.  I really cannot believe she has been in this world for 8 weeks already.  We love you sweet girl!

Leslie and Ashi's Wedding

Love those big eyes.

She loves taking naps on her tummy.  I'm too scared to do that at night :)

Waiting for Fireworks on July 4th with Gracie!

She had several wardrobe changes on July 4th.

"Mom....can I hold Lyla please?"

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