Wednesday, July 23, 2014

To All Mommas.

I'm a very lucky momma.  I have two, healthy, beautiful kids.  I wouldn't change it for the world.  I do have to say though, being a momma is THE toughest job in the world.  Don't argue with me, just take my word for it.  Some of this post will come from experience and some just from noticing other mommas around me.  Side note, I do realize that there are many men who are equal to their lady with the "upbringing" of their kids, but I'm a momma, so I am speaking to mommas just this time :)

Mommas are hard-workers.  At the infant stage, they are getting what I call "segmented sleep".  They are up all hours of the night, feeding.  At first, they are relied upon 24/7....the job doesn't stop.  Sleep, diaper change, feed.  Repeat.  Although this new little life is in the picture, unfortunately laundry somehow continues to be dirty, dishes continue to need washing, the house still needs to be vacuumed, dinner still needs to be cooked, errands still need to be ran, and well.....your poor husband still needs some attention.  The fact is, being a momma is added to the equation.  Being a momma doesn't subtract all the other duties (I wish).  Being a momma is HARD.WORK.

I could NOT imagine being a single momma.  If you are a single mom, you my friend are a hero.  I don't even know how you survive.

If you were to ask me what I would change about being a mom, it would be this:  stop worrying about the laundry that needs to be washed, the dishes that need to be cleaned, the text messages and facebook status updates, and the unvacuumed carpet.  Instead, don't worry.  Play.  Make a Mess.  Have fun.  Build a fort with every blanket in the house.  See how many legos it takes to cover the entire bathroom floor.  Bang the wall with a hammer (don't tell dad) or roll around in all the dog hair and see how long it takes to cover your black shirt (true story people).

Seriously, why do mommas feel like everything has to be perfect?  Why can't we just enjoy our kids?  I am preaching to the choir here.  I am OCD.  I am so OCD that if dishes are in the sink and I don't have time to load the dishwasher, I'll organize the dirty dishes in the sink.  I know, sickening.  But now that summer is basically over and its time for me to go back to work, I regret worrying about what my house looks like.  Who cares.  So.....

To All Mommas-

You are DA.BOMB.  You are the hardest working humans on the planet and you deserve a daily pat on the back (or a nice shopping spree).  Your children may not appreciate everything you do now but when they get older (just like I did) they will realize how special you are.   Drop the broom, let go of the dish rag, step over the legos and build a fort with your kid (a glass of wine might make the fort look even better).


A momma who knows how hard it can be

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