Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"I two".

Our sweet little wild man will be two tomorrow, seriously?!  Yea, yea we all say it....where does the time go?!  Instead of the same ol' blog post, I am going to write a letter to Gage from his daddy and I :)

Dear Gage,

Tomorrow will be two years you have been in our lives.  You cannot imagine how our life has changed.  We get to wake up everyday knowing we get to provide and take care of you....WE are the lucky ones. You are so full of life.  You love to laugh, smile, play outside, run around...I mean you really don't stay still.  You love to give kisses and it melts my heart when you say, "Love you mommy" or "I miss you mommy".  You are sweet, kind, and have a heart of gold.  You are so, very polite...something daddy and I are so proud of!  You always say please and thank you and we cannot walk into a store without you telling everyone "hi!"  You are all boy and you definitely keep us on our toes.

Your favorite spot is outside.  You love going to the playground in our neighborhood to swing.  You love to run around with Daisy and love running up and down the "hills" in our backyard with Gammy J.  You would play outside in any type of weather if we would let you.  You love to push your lawn mower around with Daddy.  Your most favorite thing to do outside is by far....riding the "fo wheela" with PawPaw.  Anytime we pass PawPaw and Nannie's house, you want to go.  PawPaw always takes you for rides when we go over there, he is definitely one of your favorites and ya'll look just alike (when PawPaw was little).

We have to admit, you love TV.  Right now, you are into Bubble Guppies (your 2nd birthday party theme)!  Bubble Guppies is a show with the cutest little characters: Gilly, Molly, Nani, Deena, and Bubble Puppy.  The  whole show takes place under water.  It comes on at 8pm so you have been late getting into bed....oops!

You are starting to pee on the potty!  We bought you a Bubble Guppies toliet seat.  You will force out a sprinkle if it means you get a treat :)  Yes, you get one M&M if you pee, aren't we so generous?!

You have been doing it for a while....but you love to talk and ask questions :)  You amaze us with some of the things you say and ask.  You have told us your food was "delicious" and you say things that we didn't even know you knew how to say.  We think you're pretty smart, and don't ever let anyone tell you any different!

Gage Timothy, we are honored to be your parents.  We wouldn't want life any other way.  We are lucky to be able to call you our son because God knew you would be perfect for us.  We couldn't imagine life without you!  There is never a dull moment when you are with us and although you are starting the whole 'terrible twos' thing....really, you'll never be terrible to us.

We are still learning how to be the very best parents we can be but we do not have much longer until your baby sister will be here!  We are so excited to see you interact with her because we know you will be an AWESOME big brother.  You love all your cousins and love babies so we think you'll have no problem :)

Happy Birthday Buddy!  Thank you for making us appreciate life more and more each day.  Thank you for making us smile.  Thank you for making us laugh.  Thank you for showing us what it means to "enjoy life to the fullest" and to be thankful for each and everyday.   You our precious little boy ARE what life is all about.

2 years ago, just minutes old.  March 20, 2012

6 months 

1 year

You are going to be an awesome big brother!

Halloween 2013'

"No I do it"- you don't like help with ANYTHING.  I'm not complaining :)

Haircut when visiting Grandpa Gary and Grandma Treena

You LOVE your daddy!

Christmas 2013' Jammies!

If you are anything like your daddy, you will love ALL sports.

Your "lazy boy" from YaYa.

Your favorite spot....the playground.

You and Mia at Church

Corn on the cob, yum!

Your first BIG snow (Feb. 2014)

You love "daisy gurl"

Lovin' on "Sloang"

You are lucky to have a daddy like you do :)

We love you!

2 year Measurements
Height:  36.25inch (89%)
Weight:  28 lbs 6 oz (54%)

The doctor said he is "growing like a weed" and very tall.  He must have gotten his height from his momma....bahaha.  I'm funny.

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