Monday, December 17, 2012

Newtown, CT.

It's still hard to believe that someone would be crazy (I could think of better words, but I'm gonna use that one) to kill INNOCENT children.  What is happening to this world?!  Our first day back since the attack, we had a staff meeting about how to approach the issue if asked by any of our students.  We were told to keep it short and simple but to be truthful.  Honestly, I didn't know what I was going to say.  I didn't want to say too much and cause them to become scared but I didn't want to act like this was a small incident.  Well, no one said anything about it for most of the day....until after lunch.  I had one of my sweet, innocent little kindergarteners come up to me while he was standing in the back of the line.  He said, "Mrs. Nordmark, can I move to the middle of the line?"  I said, "Why do you need to move to the middle of the line?"  He said, "I just don't want anyone to come up behind me and scare me.  I don't want a monster to get me".  I immediately knew he was referring to the tradegy in CT.  It's so sad, our children don't even feel safe in their own school.  All I can do is pray for healing for all the families who lost loved ones and for the teachers and students all over the world that now feel a bit unsafe when going to what once was.....a safe place.

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