Saturday, January 5, 2013

Here's to a healthy 2013.

As most of you have seen on facebook, my sisters are dropping the pounds and inches!  I am so proud of both of them and they both look AWESOME.  Lauren continues to loose the pounds (Lindsay too) and Lindsay is in a smaller size jeans than me!! 

Well I am on Day 4 of the 8 day challenge and I can honestly say, I feel great!  A lot of people at work are saying, "Why do YOU need to loose weight"?  Clearly, they haven't seen me naked :)  Yes, I have always been "smaller" but having a baby puts a toll on your body!  I am OK (not satisfied) with what the scale says, but I am not ok with jumping up and down while trying to put my jeans on.  So, I DO have things to work on. 

I honestly started the challenge because I am not the healthiest eater.  I don't eat A LOT throughout the day but I still need to watch my choices.  So far on the challenge (I don't like to call it a diet because its WAY more than that) I have lost 2.5 lbs (I want to loose 8 in all) and just really feel healthy.  I am eating things that I would have never touched before (boiled eggs, rolled up turkey and cheese, cottage cheese- still not my fav, drinking almond milk), etc.  It truly has been a wake up call for me because it encourages you to avoid sugars and eat a lot of protein. I didn't realize how much sugar I was intaking everyday.  I had a headache the first two days because my body was detoxing from all the sugar that I eat.  I have also had increased energy (I actually had trouble sleeping the first night because I wanted to get so much done).  We all know as a working mother, energy tends to deplite.  Its hard to get up at 6:00am, go to work, come home and spend time with your family, cook dinner, clean up.....and before you know it, its 8pm.  I have definitely not exercised as much as I use to so its nice to feel energized again...and HEALTHY!

I know I have only been on this plan for 4 days, but it is truly changing my outlook on food intake and living a healthy lifestyle.  I can't wait to take all my measurements on day 8 and see the hard work that has paid off! 

Thank you to my sisters for introducing this to me, I can't wait for the next family picture :)

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